Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday Brewday Re-cap

Lewy's Silk Stout
Yesterday was the perfect brewday.  I woke up and got right to work on my Alroy Irish Red Ale around 6:30 am.  Which worked out to be mashing at 7:15.  The system I brew on (B3 tiered tower) makes brewing multiple beers easy.  I start mashing in the 2nd tier.  Hot water on the top.  Once the conversion is done I move on to sparging into the boil kettle on the bottom tier.  When I start boiling the wort I clean the mash tun out and start the 2nd batch. 

Clean Mash Tun, adding hot water

With this system each additional beer I brew adds about a hour and forty minutes. I followed up the Alroy with my Silk Stout and lastly my 3rd take on my Pale Ale/Session project.  Fargo Lane Pale #3

Aydan watching my pump/chiller

Collecting the hot side chiller water

Fargo Lane #3 Session Pale

Overall a great brew day relaxing in the sun with Aydan my 2.5 year old.  He is understanding the process a little to much.  He loves to eat the spent grain and turn any valve he can get his hands on.  I hit all my numbers and everything works correctly.

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